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Know who you are and what you want and have your own opinions, but that doesn't mean becoming stubborn or boorish. There's plenty of time to find a woman who will appreciate the man you are. Be who you are. 24 is not exactly ancient. Now, if that man is so self-effacing, he always defers to others, including his lady friend (and burbles with resentment silently because of it), this is not a good thing.
added by Joanne for Soon Nyeo on 20.11.2019 in 17:29We've had two dates and over 6 hrs on the phone. I want to spend more time with him of course, to get to know each other better. We already know lots of "things" about each other, but ohhhh I want to do this right and not screw up or get hurt. I could really fall for this guy.
added by Dedicated for Soon Nyeo on 18.11.2019 in 16:44One that is ready to have good times together whether it be going out for drinks/supper,hiking,outdoors,water skiing, volleyball, running. Don't. Looking for an opportunity to find a single male.
added by Toying for Soon Nyeo on 15.11.2019 in 01:15Awesome tits, beautiful thighs, round ass and great tummy.
added by Meghani for Soon Nyeo on 15.11.2019 in 11:43But you see, you are worthy.
added by Megan for Soon Nyeo on 19.11.2019 in 16:57:( Very pretty girl, I just can't stand when they go nuts with their makeup.
added by Namliam for Soon Nyeo on 20.11.2019 in 12:29And he was right, you do deserve better. Either way, it doesn't sound like it would be a good decision for you to become involved with him again. He knew you were a good catch, just not for him.
added by Annyone for Soon Nyeo on 20.11.2019 in 19:15Not only would you struggle with his depression in your relaitonship...it will get passed on if he has kids....this fails. Whatever it is...stop trying to figure it out. I can never understand why people bother with someone like this....christ would really want kids with a guy like this? Get out now. Obviously he hasn't got a handle on it, which is a huge red flag. This is who he is, and there is nothing you can do for him.