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added by Lagers for Sargith on 30.03.2019 in 06:14That's in the pressing of the flesh. There's a lot of sizzle on dating sites but as Clara Peller used to opine, where's the beef?
added by Zack for Sargith on 03.04.2019 in 03:33I'm drew :) crazy little native BIG pothead lol quiet at Frist but easy going :.
added by Abasolo for Sargith on 04.04.2019 in 15:09They will sneak to do things that you don't approve of. The reasons don't matter. At the moment she chose to cheat, her own agenda trumped any feelings of loyalty and concern for you. In her mind, cheating was a valid option. These people will lie to avoid discomfort. You will see all kinds of excuses for why people cheat. You said- no more weed- do you honestly think she'll quit or will she be looking for ways to keep doing it without you knowing? What matters is how that person chose to handle things. The cheating is not an abberation, it is likely a bigger lifelong pattern of dishonest behavior. Choosing to cheat, instead of confronting the underlying issue, is telling of a person's character. People get lonely, they get bored, they don't get enough attention, their partner's an alcoholic, a mid life crisis, a drunk mistake, etc. There are many people that are bored, lonely, etc that DON'T CHEAT.
added by Kamarul for Sargith on 29.03.2019 in 22:45Then cut off all contact.
added by Naomi for Sargith on 30.03.2019 in 14:04I. I'm a Business Marketing Major at Sierra College in Rocklin and will be transferring to Sacramento State soon. I have a great sense of humor, love movies/ music and having a good time with friends.