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added by Katheryn for Macleod on 14.05.2019 in 10:30You are bound and determined to control this. Well, I have to hand it to you.
added by Feyer for Macleod on 13.05.2019 in 00:23someone get me a defibrillator
added by Oculomotor for Macleod on 15.05.2019 in 05:03I am outgoing, kind,honest and sensual person. I believe there needs to be attraction and chemistry in a relationship. I don't do long. I am an honest person who will tell you just how I feel.
added by Makuk for Macleod on 12.05.2019 in 20:10Damn so easy to earn a flag on this one.
added by Chaolin for Macleod on 16.05.2019 in 11:34If the only reason they are not together is because they are family then you will be competing with her whether you know it or not.
added by Supercool for Macleod on 10.05.2019 in 23:26great fragile one kneeling tunlikes
added by Neti for Macleod on 18.05.2019 in 00:05I love getting together with. Looking for someone to be honest,charming,caring,fun to be around. I live for my kids,they light up my world. I am a very independent woman. Love to be outdoors.
added by Trigonous for Macleod on 11.05.2019 in 05:21wow''''''
added by Crickets for Macleod on 17.05.2019 in 14:49"nice rack" actually would've worked, but now you blew it(and the joke's probably done for too)
added by Numedia for Macleod on 12.05.2019 in 21:23See if you can get a job working in the family business.
added by Bartjan for Macleod on 11.05.2019 in 20:18I know she compares the 'mental connection' she has or had with her ex of 4 years to the one she has with me after 3 months. Things havent been the same between us for a few weeks now. She is the one insisting on getting together all the time, and when we do we always have a good time untill the ex calls or is brought up. We both feel we have connected in many ways and continued to connected up untill i had got more involved with her and familiar with her ex issues. She claims she doesnt feel right being intimate with me when she still has these unsettled feelings for her ex. We havent slept with one another since newyears(which was great!), and there is this 'friend' feeling between us.
added by Asawa for Macleod on 11.05.2019 in 18:22Yesterday he called me after work and we talked for a few minutes. I have been dating this guy for a month now. I said sure but didn't text him until late (1am). I know he was out with his friends, which is why I didn't text him earlier because I didn't want to come off as a needy obssessive person but he didn't respond to my text. We see each other once a week but we text each other practically every day. He was basically asking what plans I had for the night and to call/text him later (this was around 6pm). I'm not the clingy type and I do believe in personal space.