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Best one yet
added by Sounders for Jen Ling on 07.07.2019 in 02:13I am atheist and believe in sex before marriage, she on the other hand is quite religious and I'm pretty sure she does not believe in sex before marriage....honestly, I couldn't wait.
added by Nanaimo for Jen Ling on 09.07.2019 in 13:40Oh my life
added by Distinguished for Jen Ling on 08.07.2019 in 03:36So many on here write in for advice caused by an SO or Ex who lacked many of these qualities but who did not realize it.
added by Kleiser for Jen Ling on 08.07.2019 in 06:00too bad it is so dark, 312
added by Demolishment for Jen Ling on 07.07.2019 in 19:53Girl with a d1ck that’s into girls :.
added by Frizzer for Jen Ling on 05.07.2019 in 16:33Getting a lapdance is cheating
added by Nielsen for Jen Ling on 10.07.2019 in 23:08i prefer my short hair but i like change once in a while. ive had ladies before so ive never. Well if i had any way to describe myself i mainly look like a boarder ever since i grew out my hair.
added by Cacha for Jen Ling on 07.07.2019 in 13:34Friendly,laid back,good company,attentive,witty gen.
added by Chunky for Jen Ling on 15.07.2019 in 03:23Some women have a knack for not being too concerned how the guy feels about her, like if it's just your luxury to be around someone you are romantically interested in as a friend. I think she tried to be nice and somewhat respectful being that she offered a friendship..which is always a shaky negotiation, however she did at least seem somewhat genuine with the thorough reply. But still, a rejection is a rejection and she may have just said that out of the moment, it is definitely in her own interest to maintain this friendship which she didn't seem too interested in how you would feel about that.
added by Debride for Jen Ling on 09.07.2019 in 06:19WOW, she has an amazing body and very pretty face