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You are young and you are wasting time with someone who doesn't seem to value you very much at all. if I were you, I would certainly go with the latter.
added by Valents for Saeira on 02.12.2019 in 03:37Don't fall for her guilt trip. That was her trying to manipulate you into keeping her hook in your cheek.
added by Kealey for Saeira on 01.12.2019 in 22:26Hello everyone.so this is what happened ;I met this guy from tinder and we kept talking for about three months he was reallly into me more than i was into him.we even went on a date once and he told me later that he was more attracted to me after we met,i personally didn't like him that much but just didn't want to reject him and we continued talking.i'm not saying i didn't like him at all, it's just that he wasn't really my type but it didn't bother me to keep talking to him because he was so sweet and all,and i thought maybe after a second date i'll start liking him more,he always said that he loved me and he was so lucky to have me and stuff,but i never said i that i loved him because i didn't want to lie .So lately;we stopped talking much and i asked him why,he told me that he had a problem with whatssapp ,that he had changed his phone and whatssapp doesn't work on this new phone.so after this, he just dissapeared he even stopped texting and never tried to call ,it has been a week now.I thought maybe he lost my number,so i called him with a private number and he answered and i hang up the phone.after that i sent him a text from my sister's number this morning it was 'still alive?' but he didn't reply.so what do you guys think?
added by Balinet for Saeira on 30.11.2019 in 19:15It wouldn't be my first choice of someone to try to get involved with. For what it's worth, I would expect this from someone recently divorced. Hot and cold, off and on with communication.
added by Serpentaria for Saeira on 03.12.2019 in 06:49When you're dating or seeing someone already, it's very easy to gauge the interest level.
added by Vukovar for Saeira on 06.12.2019 in 16:46I dont want to do it because in my opinion thats a quick way to complicate matters even worse than they already are, and just a recipe for disaster/impending train wreck. In her case... /shrug verhrzn - she has suggested it in the past, but we're both kinda uncomfortable with the idea for different reasons (me more than her I think). she has crap self-esteem (it kinda took me by surprise because I would never have suspected it based on her general attitude about things) and is worried that I would leave her for the other person because in her mind "I can do better", which might relate to why she hasn't told too many about me.
added by Cuvette for Saeira on 29.11.2019 in 16:44shes cute She's the one in my other pictures..
added by Fisty for Saeira on 07.12.2019 in 18:53cute girl nice.
added by Aquaculture for Saeira on 02.12.2019 in 23:08I respect. I am too old to seek for a relationship on a dating site, but you wouldn't know where you will find happiness, love and care. Am a jolly good fellow who love to make people around happy.
added by Tarrant for Saeira on 29.11.2019 in 15:05look at the abs on lefty wow
added by Contradictory for Saeira on 06.12.2019 in 03:33If his kids were around all the time and I dumped him, he'd still be hurt, but I think he'd be understanding because I said right from the beginning I don't want kids around and that would be a deal-breaker. If I dumped my bf right now because of his kids, he'd be hurt because he made every effort to accommodate my wish not to be involved with them... it would be like I don't even see them and I still dumped him.
added by Ericsson for Saeira on 06.12.2019 in 11:02perfect (y)Fuckyeah!
added by Lutanist for Saeira on 29.11.2019 in 06:14I like em thick, & not like a stick.